Category Archives: Publications

Open call for the Almanac on contemporary musical instruments

The 3DMIN project invites authors to contribute small pieces to a collection on contemporary musical instruments and related musical practice. The almanac’s intention is to collect and present as many as possible viewpoints upon the field of contemporary musical instruments.
Pieces forming the almanac are intended to explain aspects of contemporary musical instruments by forming a body of information of which the reader gains insights and new impulses for her artistic or scientific work.
Find the complete call here.

Mentioned in Tagesspiegel

The 3DMIN project was featured in an article of the German Newspaper Tagesspiegel.

Für Alberto de Campo, UdK-Professor für Computational Art, und Projektkoordinator Till Bovermann ist Musik “alles was entsteht, wenn jemand mit künstlerischer Absicht ein klangliches Erlebnis gestaltet”. Mit diesem sehr weit gefassten Blick lassen sich hervorragend Musiker, andere Künstler und Wissenschaftler unterschiedlicher Disziplinen zusammenbringen, um Hörgewohnheiten in Frage zu stellen.

The complete interview can be read here (German).


  • [Bovermann and Griffiths, 2014] Bovermann, T. and Griffiths, D. (2014). Computation as material in live- coding. Computer Music Journal, 38(1). in Press.
  • [Bovermann et al., 2011] Bovermann, T., Rohrhuber, J., and de Campo, A. (2011). Laboratory methods for experimental sonification. In Hermann, T., Hunt, A., and Neuhoff, J. G., editors, The Sonification Handbook, pages 1–586. Logos Publishing House, Berlin, Germany.
  • [Bovermann et al., 2010] Bovermann, T., Tu ̈nnermann, R., and Hermann, T. (2010). Auditory augmenta- tion. International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI), 2(2):27–41.
  • [Bovermann et al., 2012a] Bovermann, T., Tu ̈nnermann, R., and Hermann, T. (2012a). The weather at your fingertips: An auditory augmentation application. In Proceedings of the ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems 2012. ACM conference on Designing Interactive Systems.
  • [Bovermann et al., 2012b] Bovermann, T., Tu ̈nnermann, R., Leichsenring, C., and Hermann, T. (2012b). Upstairs: Supporting peripheral awareness between non-colocated spaces. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Verlag.
  • [Grond et al., 2011] Grond, F., Bovermann, T., and Hermann, T. (2011). A supercollider class for vowel synthesis and its use for sonification. In Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Auditory Display 2011.
  • [Lai and Bovermann, 2013] Lai, C.-H. and Bovermann, T. (2013). Audience experience in sound perfor- mance. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, Daejeon + Seoul, Korea Republic.
  • [Parker and Bovermann, 2013] Parker, J. and Bovermann, T. (2013). Dynamic fm synthesis using a network of complex resonator filters. In Proceedings of the Sound and Music Computing Conference 2013, pages 668 – 673, Stockholm. KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sound and Music Computing Group. ISBN 978-91-7501-831-7.